Друнвало Мелхиседек Древняя тайна Цветка Жизни ИСТОЧНИКИ
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Том 2
Оглавление книги:

Том первый
> Введение
> 1. Вспоминание нашего древнего прошлого
> 2. Тайна Цветка Жизни раскрывается
> 3. Тёмная сторона нашего настоящего и прошлого
> 4. Прерванная Эволюция Сознания и создание Сетки Христовa Сознания
> 5. Роль Египта в эволюции сознания
> 6. Значение формы и структуры
> 7. Эталон Вселенной: тело человека и его геометрия
> 8. Согласование полярностей бинарной поcледовательности и последовательности Фибоначчи
> Послесловие

Том второй
> Предисловие
> 9. Дух и Сакральная геометрия
> 10. Школа мистерий Левого Глаза Гора
> 11. Древность влияет на наш современный мир
> 12. Мер-Ка-Ба, тело Света человека
> 13. Мер-Ка-Ба - геометрическая форма и медитация
> 14. Мер-Ка-Ба и сиддхи
> 15. Любовь и исцеление
> 16. Три уровня нашего Я
> 17. Предоление дуальности
> 18. Смена измерений
> 19. Новые Дети
> Пояснение. Источники. Матрица Звёздного тетраэдра. Анонсы.
Chapter 1
   Liberman, Jacob, Light, the Medicine of the Future, Bear amp; Co., Santa Fe, NM, 1992.
   Temple, Robert K.G., The Sirius Mystery, Destiny Books, Rochester, VT (www.gotoit.com).
   Satinover, Jeffrey, M.D., Cracking the Bible Code, William Morrow, New York, 1997.
   West, John Anthony, Serpent in the Sky, Julian Press, New York, 1979, 1987.
   Cayce, Edgar: много книг было написано о нем; the Association for Research and Enlightenment in Virginia Beach, VA, являются источниками огромного количества материалов. Вероятно, больше всего известна книга под названием «Спящий пророк» (The Sleeping Prophet by Jess Steam).

Chapter 2
   Lawlor, Robert, Sacred Geometry: Philosophy and Practice, Thames amp; Hudson, London, 1982.
   Hoagland, Richard C.; see www.enterprisemission.com/.
   White, John, Pole Shift, 3rd ed., ARE Press, Virginia Beach, vA, 1988.
   Hapgood, Charles, Earth's Shifting Crust and The Path of the Pole (out of print).
   Braden, Gregg, Awakening to Zero Point: The Collective Initiation, Sacred Spaces/Ancient Wisdom Pub., Questa, NM; also on video tape (Lee Productions, Bellevue, WA).

Chapter 3
   Hamaker, John and Donald A. Weaver, The Survival of Civilization, Hamaker-Weaver Pub., 1982.
   Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12th Planet (1978), The Lost Realms (1996), Genesis Revisited (1990), Avon Books.
   Begich, Nick and Jeanne Manning, Angels Don't Play This HAARP, Earthpulse Press, Anchorage, AK, 1995.

Chapter 4
   Keyes, Ken, Jr., The Hundredth Monkey, Vision Books, 1982, not copyrighted. Obtainable at www.testament.org /testament/ 100thmonkey.html and other Web sites.
   Watson, Lyall, Lifetide, Simon and Schuster, New York, 1979.
   Strecker, Robert, M.D., «The Strecker Memorandum) (video), The Strecker Group, 1501 Colorado Blvd., Eagle Rock, CA 90041 (203) 344-8039.
   The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean, translated by Doreal, Brotherhood of the White Temple, Castle Rock, CO, 1939. Obtainable fro: Light Technology Publishing.

Chapter 6
   Anderson, Richard Feather (labyrinths); see www.gracecom.org/veriditas/.
   Penrose, Roger; see http:// galaxy.cau.edu / tsmith / KW / goldenpenrose.html; http://  turing.mathcs.carleton.edu / penroseindex.htr; www.nr.infi.net / ~drmatrix/ progchal.htm.
   Adair, David; see www.flyingsaucers.com / adairl.htm.
   Winter, Dan, Heartmath; see www.danwinter.com Sorrell, Charles A., Rocks and Minerals: A Guide to Field Identification, Golden Press, 1973.
   Vector Flexor toy, available from Source Books (see below).
   Langham, Derald, Circle Gardening: Producing Food by Genesa Principles, Devin-Adair Pub., 1978.

Chapter 7
   Charkovsky, Igor; see www.earthportals.com; www.vol.it/; www.well.com.
   Doczi, Gyorgy, The Power of Limits: Proportional Harmonies in Nature, Art and Architecture, Shambhala, Boston, MA, 1981, 1994.

Chapter 8
   «Free Energy: The Race to Zero Point» (video), available from Lightworks, (800) 795-8273, $40.45ppd., www.lightworks:com.
   Pai, Anna C. and Helen Marcus Roberts, Genetics, Its Concepts and Implications, Prentice Hall, 1981.
   Critchlow, Keith, Order in Space: A Design
   Source Book, Viking Press, 1965, 1969 and other books are out of print; see www.wwnorton.com / thames / aut.ttl / at03940.htm.

Chapter 9
   Lamy, Lucie, Egyptian Mysteries: New Light on Ancient Knowledge, Thames and Hudson, London, 1981.
   Albus, James S., Brains, Behavior and Robotics, Byte books, 1981 (out of print).
   The Unknown Leonardo, Ladislas Reti, ed., Abradale Press, Harry Abrams, Inc., Publishers, New York, 1990 ed.
   Blair, Lawrence, Rhythms of Vision: The Changing Patterns of Myth and Con-sciousness, Destiny Books, 1991 (out of print).
   Martineau, John, A Book of Coincidence: New Perspectives on an Old Chestnut, Wooden Books, Wales, 1995 (out of print).

Chapter 10
   Hall, Manley P., The Secret Teachings of All Ages, Philosophical Research Society of Los Angeles,

Chapter 11
   Hancock, Graham and Robert Bauval, The Messagi of the Sphinx: A Quest for the Hidden Legacy o Mankind, Crown Publishers, Inc., 1996.

Chapter 12
   Puharich, Andrija, The Sacred Mushroom, Doubleday, 1959 (out of print).
   Cayce, Edgar, Auras: An Essay on the Meaning of Color, A.R.E. Press, Virginia Beach, VA, 1989.

Chapter 13
   Ramacharaka, Yogi, Science of Breath: A Complete Manual of the Oriental Breathing Philosophy of Physical, Mental, Psychic and Spiritual Development, Yoga Publishers Society, 1904.

Chapter 19
   Carroll, Lee, and Jan Tober, The Indigo Children: The New Kids Have Arrived, Hay House, Carlsbad, CA, 1999.
   Braden, Gregg, Walking between the Worlds: The Science of Compassion, Radio Bookstore Press, Bellevue, WA, 1997.
   Satinover, Jeffrey, M.D., Cracking the Bible Code, William Morrow, New York, 1997.
   Dong, Paul, and Thomas E. Raffill, China's Super Psychics, Marlowe amp; Co., New York, 1997.
   Geller, Uri, Uri Geller, My Story, Praeger Press, New York, 1975 (out of print). «Through the
   Eyes of a Child», 2-video set from Lightworks, (800) 795-TAPE (795-8273).

   Most of the books and sacred geometry tools, in addition to posters, kits, videos, tapes and CDs recommended in this workshop, are available from Source Books,P.O. Box 292231, Nashville, TN 37229-2231, (800) 637-5222 (in U.S.) or (615) 773-7652. Catalog available.

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